I found this web site a year or so ago and use it extensively for information on Cold War Soviet Air Defence Systems. In addition to Its excellent coverage of both aircraft and air defence systems with some very well researched and analysed articles and imagery including either satellite or air photos of air defence installations. It also provides some really useful information on the PLA, their Air Defence systems and the organisation and deployment of those systems in units and formations as well as technical evaluations of their performance. Coverage Includes:
- PLAF, PLAN Air base locations
- Russian and Chinese Weapon Systems
- PLA Air Defence Radars
- PLA Point Defence Systems
- PLA Area Defence Missile Systems
- Modern PLA Armoured Vehicles
They also produce a lot of excellent articles covering the forces of the Pacific Rim, and the accelerating arms race that is developing within the region along with some useful contextual information on aspects of the strategic situation. If your into the technology it covers that off at a level of detail, and has some superb articles Including an Historical section that has some great pictures of current Australian military vehicles.
The web site offers an open and independent source of information primarily on Air and Air Defence topics with a mass of data that will be of interest to the Dragon Rising, Bear Resurgent gaming community and to those historically interested in the Region or Air Defence in general. Just what the Internet was made for really, sharing.